My Year at Siena…


Some of the Spectra staff reflected on the past academic year at Siena Heights in 100 words or less. Here are their reflections:

Julie Bonk

“My year at Siena Heights was numinous. I experienced the fear of watching my parents drive away that first day. I saw my friends from high school experience things for the first time. I saw myself slowly changing into a different person. I learned I had opinions of things that I never knew I thought twice about. I can say one thing about this year, and that’s this: There was an extreme overwhelming, but it was easily overpowered with the eagerness to discover new adventures.”


Stevie Robinson

A year in stone: “This year for me, being my last of college, was a bit of everything. Time where they were tougher than usual as far as balancing school work and actually wanting to do school work coupled with how I’d be able to put myself in the best situation to succeed. If this year taught me anything, it’s to accept where you come from, and enjoy where you’re headed. WE never know what door leads to greatness if we choose never to knock.”


Anna Short

“To describe this past year attending Siena Heights University is not an easy or simple task. However, for the sake of brevity I’ll summarize… It started out better than I could have hoped for, to being a part of Orientation Team and Welcome Week, to continuing to be involved in campus organizations, and taking classes that I thoroughly enjoyed.  I’m glad that I was able to still take part of the life that goes on at SHU’s campus, being a commuter. Overall, I end this school year happy the previous is behind me and looking forward to the next.”


Torin Anderson

“My year at Siena was wonderful, all because of the wonderful people around me. In this past year I was able to have tons of fun despite all the homework and practices I had. This year I was able to make new friends, which I didn’t do that much of last year because I kept to myself a lot. Besides the fun, it was a good feeling improving myself both in the classroom and on the track. However, overall, my I really enjoyed this year and I can’t wait to see what next school year has in store.”


Carie Sanford

“My year at SHU has been a long one, and probably the most mentally trying one yet. As much fun as leading a student organization last semester was, it was difficult to manage that on top of wrapping up my senior project—which, if you haven’t already heard about, was very fun to present on—participating in choir, and being co-senior editor of Eclipse. As hard as things have been at Siena, I will definitely miss the friends and happy memories I’ve made here.”


Mark Barden

“I write this while I’m still fuming.

My experience at this university?

It’s nothing special.

Months of staring at a wall at lunch, being antisocial and moody.

Months of procrastination and self-esteem issues.

Months of prescription pills and counseling sessions.

Months of dealing with people I despise and hardly idolize.

I’m done lying and trying to look tough.

It’s all downhill from here.

The overseers want all to know that their establishment is perfect,

But it’s not.

There is no perfection here,

Only the illusions we set for ourselves in the company of others.

And now, a less negative account of my experience.

It was okay. It could have been much worse, it could have been much better… In the end I’m just happy that my life can continue. That’s all I can say.”


 Elise Hardcastle

“Entering senior year, I was unsure what to expect. I have been blessed with many opportunities in my time at SHU. As a senior, I’ve been president of two campus groups, co-run youth choir, property managed, been in or house managed shows. What I have enjoyed most about my senior year is that despite my hectic schedule, I have still been able to embrace everything that SHU has to offer. With graduation in a few weeks, I know that I have made lasting friendships and have learned what I need to know to begin the next chapter of my life.”