Late Night Breakfast: More Than Breakfast for Dinner

Siena Heights University

Breakfast for dinner? Every semester the stress begins to build as students get closer and closer to finals. Many students stress eat, and some even forget to eat.

Siena Heights University’s Student Engagement team is here to save the day. Often around the time of finals, students’ sleep schedules begins to change as students stay up longer than usual and go to sleep later than normal. Along with an odd sleep schedule, Student Engagement, Student Programming And Recreation Committee known as “SPARC” puts on a Late Night Breakfast on the first day of finals.

On this day, hundreds of students contribute to a line that reaches outside of the University Center doors into the cold winter weather. Students are to bring two things in order to enter Late Night Breakfast. First, they must have their student ID, and lastly, students MUST bring a big appetite!

One step into the University Center and your nose is overwhelmed with the scents of sweet syrup, juicy sausage, and freshly brewed coffee.

One of the things that makes Late Night Breakfast so special is who serves the students the scrumptious meal. SHU faculty and staff take time out of their nights to serve the students they work with and teach everyday. This is part of what makes the Siena Heights campus so special.

The atmosphere in the University Center during Late Night Breakfast is light and warmhearted. The students are relieved the stress that finals brings. They are removed from the daily daily routine of studying in exchange for a delicious study break.