‘Ultimate Showdown’ at Siena Heights

On Jan. 25, students Irac Chaney II and Joey Serafin had an idea of uniting the city of Adrian by putting together a tournament of the ever-so-popular video game Super Smash Ultimate.
Serafin said their inspiration came from “there being no local Smash tournaments in our area, and therefore thought this would bring students together.”
More 40 students from Siena and local high schools attended the event. First place received a gaming chair and second place would obtain a $20 Nintendo EShop card.
Brackets were created and randomized by an online website, and the tournament was double elimination. None of the 70-plus brawlers were banned, but some of the rules included access of only eight stages, three stock seven-minute matches with no items. Winners were decided in a best two-out-of-three format. The championships is best three-out-of-five. These rules are the same as standard Smash tournaments rules globally.
Hank Martinez, a freshman at Siena Heights, said that his main brawler was Pac-Man and has played Smash for multiple years. He said he unfortunately did not expect to win, but he has faith in one of his close friends that “he could win it all.”
There were about seven different stations to compete against opponents. Players either brought their own controllers, used ones that were already at the station or were provided by others from Siena Heights. Players had their own unique names and controls that they used in efforts to take down their opponents. After about five hours, the final had begun between Elvis, whose main is “Mr. Game and Watch,” and Nifares, whose main was “Corrin.”
After three rounds, Elvis (Brendan Kato) was crowned champion. Elvis only lost one set all night though facing some tough competitors.
Kato said, “I thought I had a chance, but also expected to lose.”
Kato is a graduate from Blissfield High School and is currently not attending college. When asked about receiving the gaming chair, he said, “I was more excited about the gift card, but felt I had to win after the success I’ve had tonight.”
With a successful gaming night, Chaney and Serafin said they would actually like to put on an event like this every other Friday night and hope to see the Siena Heights community continue to come together.