Inside the Helmet for the Last Time

The season has come to an end in good fashion. We sent our seniors off with a win, which is the least we could do after this year. We fell short in every category this season in my opinion. We ended 5-5 and didn’t excel as an offense as much as we thought we would. Personally this season was a let down and disappointment from expectations and statistically. When it comes to this game of football it is played off of emotion and weighs on the durability of your mental. I went from the happiest part of life to the saddest part within a day then back up to the best part the next day. It’s a rollercoaster of game of emotions and if you aren’t mentally tough it could break you and make you fall out of love with the sport. Not saying I’m there but it was an interesting year to say the least. I love my teammates and my coaches and all they do for me and have done for me in the past. Taking my pads off this year felt different, I have to take time to gather myself for the future of my football career.