Women’s Poetry Marathon Crosses the Finish Line

March 21 was the third annual Women’s History Poetry Marathon in the University Center Living Room. It was a full eight hours (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) of women’s poetry. All students, faculty and staff were encouraged to read. Karin Barbee had a signup sheet for interested readers. Each reading was at least 10 minutes long. Other than reading the poem, participants provided any biographical information about the author that they found interesting. Barbee provided poems written by women, or participants brought poems of their choosing.

“This year a student memorized an entire poem, which he did not have to do. It was not required,” said Barbee. She said she asked people to avoid poems about sexual assault and extreme violence. “Nothing that is triggering,” said Barbee.

The marathon also encouraged donations for Catherine Cobb domestic violence shelter during the readings. Donations made went to purchasing hygiene products for the shelter.