Family Traditions



Who here likes a good story? What about a good old family tradition tale? Most of us have something to go on or talk about when the festivities come around, like sitting down to eat together for Thanksgiving or Christmas. My family’s not too different in that regard. Just recently we celebrated Easter Sunday in our own way, as we Bardens do.SONY DSC

A few miles north of South Haven is this lovely little village by the name of Saugatuck. It’s got all that you could ever ask for if you’re a drinking, artist-type of person. Restaurants, clubs, art galleries and even a few historical places litter the city streets. And in the distance, there’s a large mountain overlooking the city. Dirty on one side and sandy on the other, Mt. Baldhead poses a challenge for anyone willing to climb the 300-plus steep steps. You’ll be out of breath before you finish up with the first few sets!

Anyway, my family and I like to climb up Mt. Baldy on Easter Sundays with a few close family friends. It’s hell climbing up all those steps with my stubby young legs, and even though I’m 22 now. Climbing them again just recently after trying to work on my cardio has reminded me just how much I’m out of shape! In between all the huffing and puffing, though, my family and I enjoy the tradition and the climb. We’ll stop at the summit to catch our breath and take a few pictures of the surrounding area before looking down the west side of the mountain.

From there, there’s a few paths you can take. A couple will lead you down through the forest and trees and may spit you out over a sandpit/bowl, which is very impressive in its own right. But personally, it doesn’t compare to the feeling of running right down the middle path. That path is a straight shot down to the sandy shores with nothing to stop you as you barrel down the steep, sandy slope. As long as you don’t hit a snag on the way down and trip, it’s a fun time!

And the reward? Well, my family and I like to either sit on the beach or get out a grill to have lunch by the shore. What better way to get your strength back after such an arduous adventure than to sit back with a beer, a hamburger and a fistful of chips?