COLUMN: It’s About the Students, Just Ask Them


I have written several columns for Spectra this semester, and the feedback on my opinions has been great. Frankly, I am happy that you have not stopped reading because sometimes my opinions may come off strong and purposely so. I want to give a strong, unwavering, opinion to my readers because it is strength that will cause change.

That being said, some of the feedback that I have gotten has been something along the lines of, “You should join this committee,” or “You should join that group.” I appreciate these invitations, but to be honest, I do not have time to join three or four different committees on top of my schedule of other things. Instead, why aren’t we asking the students?

I was approached to join a group that gives their opinion on the dining in the University Center. I was rather surprised that they seemed shocked that there was disdain towards the food in the cafeteria. To me, it is troubling, because if you walk amongst the students here you will surely hear at least one or two complaints about the food.

This tells me that the committee is ineffective. I was able to give my opinion through a column, but what about the average student? They have to go online and fill out a survey to give their opinion and college students generally do not have time for that. The committee that covers the cafeteria is just one example of positive groups that have little efficiency.

As with most of my columns, I want to offer a solution without dragging everyone to a meeting or putting everyone in the front of Ledwidge to protest.

The dining hall staff has done a good job of getting out surveys, but again, you have to go online. Instead of that, they could hand out paper surveys that are not time-consuming for people to give their opinions. In short, a committee for change should not make it hard for students to speak their minds.

If you ask, the students here will tell you. You just have to ask.